Come and get some of the best, fairest-priced breakfast and lunch sandwiches, frappes and other popular beverages available in Pahrump.
501(c)(3) charity Living Free Health provides addiction treatment, sober (transitional) living – including a women & children’s home, and discounted and pro bono recovery programs for adults and adolescents.
(775) 505-3888
Monday – Friday
6:30am to 6:30pm
Saturday & Sunday
8:00am – 3:00pm
2050 NORTH Nevada Hwy 160, Suite 400, Pahrump, NV 89060
At the corner of Mesquite Ave & Highway 160, 2 miles north of the Home Depot
Check out the Seasonal Specials Menu
The cafe is known for
Brioche bun filled with scrambled eggs, a slice of cheddar cheese and your choice of bacon or sausage.

Coffees, Teas, Frappes, Smoothies & Soda
Turkey, ham, Swiss and cheddar cheese strips with hardboiled egg on a bed of salad or spinach.

Breakfast Burrito

Reuben Sandwich
Ask About Our Platters

About The Cafe
Prices are great. Food is awesome! And net proceeds support Living Free Health ‘s non profit activities including free and discounted treatment, meeting the basic needs of clients, and employing people working hard to make change in their lives / develop great work skills and careers!
501(c)(3) charity Living Free Health provides addiction treatment, sober (transitional) living – including a women & children’s home, and discounted and pro bono recovery programs for adults and adolescents.

A few things you might not know about the Cafe:
Not everyone who works for us is in recovery from addiction – we actively seek to employ people who are starting out in their work careers, need help building job skills, need an understanding environment in which to work as they might suffer emotional and mental health challenges.
We’re part of 501(c)(3) Living Free Health. This means that net proceeds go to the non-profit’s charitable activities including pro-bono and discounted treatment, community programs (particularly for adolescents), actions supportive of our clients (including meeting their basic needs) and the many acts of kindness we conduct every week.
We have service work opportunities. Many have community service requirements mandated by a court or other legal entity. We accommodate those needs, while instilling an appropriate work ethic and accountability in our volunteers.
We’re in this for the long run. The Cafe is not a fad and it’s not going away. I (Shelley Poerio) have planned this venture in coordination with Java Junkies’ Kris Su and Living Free’s super-smart board of directors and outside business consultant Casey Jones.
We have a take one, bring one (if you want) free book library.
All this to encourage you to come out and support us!

Business Info
We Can’t Wait to See You!
501(c)(3) charity Living Free Health provides addiction treatment, sober (transitional) living – including a women & children’s home, and discounted and pro bono recovery programs for adults and adolescents.
6:30am to 6:30pm
8:00am – 3:00pm
Call Us
(775) 505-3888
Visit Us
2050 NORTH Nevada Hwy 160, Suite 400, Pahrump, NV 89060
At the corner of Mesquite Ave & Highway 160, 2 miles north of the Home Depot