Community – Awareness Programs

We help organizations help their members!

Naloxone Distribution Point

Contact us to have life-saving training delivered to your workplace, organization, church, or family. Naloxone is the opioid overdose drug. After training, you will receive FREE Naloxone doses that just may save a life!

Early Intervention and Prevention

We offer experts who come to your church, school, or other organization to make presentations that can help your community understand addiction and recovery.

Program Development

If you’ve identified an area of need and want help in pulling together a program, we can assist you.

Recovery-Oriented Meetings

at your site.

Fitness & Nutrition Programs

at your site

We are extensively engaged in our community, providing pro-bono services to other non-profit organizations via counseling, family sessions, psycho-education, nutrition and fitness instruction.

We conduct volunteer classes on addiction and recovery at the Nevada Southern Detention Center, and have provided similar instruction and support to the Nye County Juvenile Probation Annual Boot Camp.

Our organization has also been designated a “Naloxone Distribution Point” in rural Nye and adjoining counties. We deliver training and free doses of the opioid overdose medication through classes, employee gatherings and other events.