Greater addiction treatment accessibility has not correspondingly lowered substance use relapse or lethality rates in the United States.
Our work is focused on bringing a robust, cost-effective solution to the problem of chronic relapse, too-short treatment stays and the lack of life skills and lifestyles necessary to happy, fulfilled lives that result in long-term recovery.
Sober Living – Sober Lifestyles Enrichment Program (SLE)
The SLE was developed to safeguard the fragile early stage of addiction recovery. We created a “sober living college” model establishing a broad continuity of care. SLE fosters the knowledge, skills, aptitude and confidence necessary to living a lifetime of abstinence from mind-altering substances and unhealthy behaviors.
Look for more information – and results of our beta program – in the coming weeks.
And don’t forget – September is National Recovery Month! Read our press release from 2015.