Success is a team sport!

Today we delivered approximately $1,000 worth of women’s and children’s clothing, jackets, shoes, toys, handbags and TWO Pack ‘n Play cribs!

We are humbled and grateful for the depth of generosity demonstrated by our neighbors, friends and associates. One of the women working at Westcare today told me that our donation last year at this time set up most of their programs for a great majority of their donation needs for the entire year! Wow.

To all of you have have donated in 2015 and 2016, THANK YOU! And know that your items are going directly to improve the quality of lives and allowing people a fresh start.

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Incidentally, the Westcare Women and Children’s program recently welcomed two new babies to the world. The stuffed animals, clothing, Pack ‘n Plays, infant items, etc. donated were particularly timely.

We’ve still got about half of our donations to deliver later this week! Then a much needed rest and enjoyment of the holidays.

Question for the Day: Just how much stuff can you cram into a Nissan 350Z?

Answer: Remember those pictures from the 1960’s of people cramming themselves into VW Beetles and telephone booths? (For millenials, check your history books! LOL)

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!

We’ll deliver our near-year-end progress report soon, as well as the final drop off of donated goods. Don’t forget to look for us on Facebook and Twitter.