Last night we worked on identifying early warning relapse signs. We recognized that impulsive behaviors and neglecting to work on delaying gratification undermine our resilience to relapse.

Dopamine is a brain chemical (neurotransmitter) messenger that is responsible for several (among other) things including our sense of motivation, attaining a sense of reward and our ability to learn. We also feel pleasure from dopamine.

Some ways we can reinforce the production of dopamine and hence, improve our motivation is in delaying gratification. Neuroscientists have found that lowered levels of dopamine in laboratory animals resulted in those animals taking “the easy way out”. Our sense of reward is generally increased when we delay gratification. Example: Having to work harder at something before we attain it, versus being given it.

Our Sober Living Enrichment Program depends upon your support! Please help us today by using your credit card (or PayPal account) to make a donation.

$10 provides the educational materials’ workbook.

$35 supports a month’s 24-Hour Fitness SuperSport membership for one of our women.

$55 supports a cooking practicum and food for 12.

$420 will keep our team of 12 in the gym for an entire month!

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