Thank you to our friends and neighbors in Las Vegas for continuing to bring us some really amazing goods. Your tax-deductible donations are delivered to clients at addiction rehabilitation programs in the greater Valley – Salvation Army North Las Vegas, Las Vegas Rescue Mission.

These programs fund food, lodging and treatment for those seeking recovery from addiction. This is not the only thing these organizations do, but this is where and how we best support them. What goods are not immediately utilized by the clients are processed and sold their sponsored thrift shops. Proceeds are used to pay the bills for the services noted above. The stores and processing of goods provide work therapy for the clients and give them “skin in the game” – a concept we emphasize constantly. It’s THE way to develop pride and self-esteem. Helping pay your own way – until you’re ready to pay it forward!

So, we bring the donations you so graciously gift us. We provide education – materials and presentations. We plan to start a full-fledged fitness program soon. And we are starting to assist in staff development as well.

Special shout out to my neighbors in the Huntington Community of Las Vegas  – 89178. Some of the most gracious and generous people I know!

If you have large items – like furniture, appliances, autos, etc – contact them directly and they can have their truck sent out to pick up.

Salvation Army North Las Vegas

Las Vegas Rescue Mission

And WE can always use cash donations to fund delivery of our programs and education materials. Click our donate page HERE to make a secure, tax-deductible donation, today!