A real-life success story from a reader.  This is a perfect example of how to get it done, keep it fresh and feel GREAT!
While I was in the military, I had to stay in shape or lose my job, so I worked exercise into my lifestyle.  I tried to get a minimum 2 mile walk in Monday through Friday, by getting off the bus 2 miles before my house, and walking home.  By religiously doing this I was able to pass the required 1.5 mile run every 6 months.  
Since retiring, I walk on MWF to a meeting that is 2 miles from my house – so I get 4 miles round trip.  Some days I don’t feel like going to the meeting but I go anyway to get the walk in.  Some days I don’t feel like walking, but am expected at the meeting, so I go anyway.  On Tues, Thurs, Sat I lift weights and  take classes in Tai Chi and Folk Dancing.  I have also been using an activity tracker (Up) to track my steps and a food program (Lose It!) to record my food.  The activity tracker synchs with the food program.  What I like about the food program is that it shows daily percentages for carbohydrate, fat, and protein.  I have noticed that when I eat more protein and less carb I lose weight.  The more activity I do, the more calories I can add to my food plan.  I am in really good shape.  I recently shared in a meeting that I was 62 years old.  I had people come up to me after the meeting and say to me that they had no idea I was so old.  I said, “This is what you get when you don’t drink or smoke and you eat well, exercise and wear sunscreen.”  My blood-panel values are perfect too.
How are you integrating fitness and nutrition into your recovery? Let me know! I’m happy to publish your story and name. Or maintain  your anonymity.