Sober Living Enrichment Works!

Sober Living Enrichment Works!

  “LFHF (Living Free Health & Fitness) was amazing in what it offered the ladies with the well thought out classes, gym memberships and most of all support and friendship! I know the program made a difference in my life. I am more informed from having...

Sober Living – Changing the Landscape

Greater addiction treatment accessibility has not correspondingly lowered substance use relapse or lethality rates in the United States. Our work is focused on bringing a robust, cost-effective solution to the problem of chronic relapse, too-short treatment stays and...
Drug Craving? Or FOOD CRAVING….

Drug Craving? Or FOOD CRAVING….

Remember, in early recovery, your body cannot tell the difference between drug/alcohol cravings and food cravings! Therefore, it is critical that we eat correctly to avoid the cycle of spiking and crashing our blood-sugar levels. Low blood sugar symptoms look exactly...
Benefit of Sober Living Enrichment

Benefit of Sober Living Enrichment

Hear about it in the words of our clients. Contact us for the stats that prove it. Our niche is improving client resilience and self-efficacy.  Education. Life Skills. Fitness. Nutrition. Proprietary courseware modules. Training. Practicums. Inspirational licensed,...
Sober Living Enrichment – Beta “Wrap Party”

Sober Living Enrichment – Beta “Wrap Party”

I wanted to thank the women of the Davis Houses for their kindness and warmth. We had a great evening last night marking the wrap-up of our 8 week beta program. We are entering “Phase II” now and on-deck for this upcoming week are fitness training sessions...