Keep Coming Back Clients in treatment constantly complain about the repetitiveness of treatment programming. Even post-treatment people attending 12-step meetings will whine about “hearing the same stuff over and over again.” In fact, the...
Today we delivered $2,801.85 worth of quality men’s, women’s, children’s, and toddlers’ clothing. Additionally we received shoes, linens, Fall/Winter outerwear, kitchen items, games, books, and hygiene products. The Salvation Army provides long...
“LFHF (Living Free Health & Fitness) was amazing in what it offered the ladies with the well thought out classes, gym memberships and most of all support and friendship! I know the program made a difference in my life. I am more informed from having...
Greater addiction treatment accessibility has not correspondingly lowered substance use relapse or lethality rates in the United States. Our work is focused on bringing a robust, cost-effective solution to the problem of chronic relapse, too-short treatment stays and...
Remember, in early recovery, your body cannot tell the difference between drug/alcohol cravings and food cravings! Therefore, it is critical that we eat correctly to avoid the cycle of spiking and crashing our blood-sugar levels. Low blood sugar symptoms look exactly...