Encourage abstinence-only treatment. Quick fixes rarely solve complex, multi-faceted problems. Lots of news lately on Medication Assisted Treatment (see HHS story here) Here’s information to help you better understand what is being talked about:...
LAS VEGAS, NV – October 28, 2016 – Living Free Health & Fitness, a Las Vegas-based non-profit addiction recovery organization, announced today that it has launched a funding effort to expand its recovery programs throughout Las Vegas-area communities to cover a...
I know what you’re thinking – “People bring addiction problems upon themselves. It’s hardly worth the effort. Why waste my money?” There is a great deal of chronic relapse – no doubt. That is the problem we are addressing! You see,...
DEMOCRATIZING QUALITY TREATMENT AND LONG-TERM CARE A message regarding the importance of our sober living enrichment project. Doing research yesterday, I saw places that utilize some of our principles. But they are for-profit and charge $15-25,000 per month. We have a...
Reflecting on Recovery One day, over 15 years ago, I pointed a gun at myself and prepared to pull the trigger. Thankfully, I chose not to. Instead I made the harder choice — to stay alive, and do it without alcohol and drugs. I made more choices. I went to...